Employee Spotlight: Zion
Some professionals prefer to limit their role to interfacing with government agencies. But if you are an Employee Benefits Administrator, you spend the better part of your day becoming familiar with government policies, making contacts to locate more information and conversing with officials on behalf of the employees at Yempo. The flip side of these essential duties includes informing and assisting Yempo employees in understanding the intricacies of the policies that significantly impact their personal life – their benefits.
This month, we train our sights on Zion, who works as the Employee Benefits Administrator along with other roles to enhance the work experience of everyone at Yempo.
Can you describe your role at Yempo?
As an Employee Benefits Administrator, my role entails guiding employees regarding Yempo’s benefits programs. I am usually the bridge between the employees, government agencies, and the back-office team. I also manage the administrative tasks for the Cebu office. In addition, I am assigned to some of Human Resources (HR) responsibilities and am on the Social Welfare Committee.
How long have you been working here?
I celebrated my second anniversary at Yempo last March 13th, 2019.
What can Yempo employees contact you about?
Employees reach out to me about government benefits, health insurance concerns, administrative benefits such as Yempo shirts, supplies, load purchases, and HR-related items including certificates of employment or employee verification.
Can you share any projects you’re working on in 2019?
I am currently working on the proper documentation of guidelines, especially for government-related transactions. The focus is to better serve and help both Yempo as a company and its employees understand the process and eligibility for benefits. Also, with the HR team’s assistance, I will be undergoing coaching to practice and learn more about HR Employee Relations.
What do you love most about your job?
I love how the job is enhancing my people skills. I used to be very shy in interacting with people but that has all changed through my work experiences. The role of Employee Benefits Administrator has taught me to reach out to employees and provide the assistance they need. I also love having the opportunity to work in different areas of responsibility which motivate me to learn new processes.
What are your strongest skills?
My strongest skill is my flexibility. I graduated with a degree in finance but instead accepted the chance to work in an administrative role and am now also part of the human resource team. I love learning new aspects of different professions. I also enjoy doing the best I can to accomplish every task. My role is challenging but also very exciting.
What was a challenge you experienced at Yempo and how was it solved?
I experienced a couple of challenges in my early days at Yempo because it was my first professional job. For example, I needed to transition from the administrative assistant position to an administrator for employee benefits. I honestly thought that anything concerning the government was the last responsibility I wanted to take. I knew I would have a hard time handing the hassles of the role. The complications included dealing with a variety of people and agencies to settling administrative and government issues. The change was quite difficult. So instead, I focused on learning the pathways, asking many questions, being patient and never giving up. It felt great each time I overcame any issue. I am glad for the experience, it’s the best teacher of all.
What do you like best about Yempo’s culture?
Yempo has a culture of integrity and respect. It gives all employees the opportunity to practice honesty and truthfulness in dealings inside and outside of the company. The positive working environment at Yempo makes people respect and appreciate our diversity. No one is superior to anyone, and that is what makes us a family.
Which core value (commitment, excellence, community) is the most important to you? Why?
Yempo’s core values are all important, but community has stood out the most for me. I truly believe that the success of an organization is through its people.
Where do you see your career five years from now?
This might sound unusual compared to other career goals, but I always see myself as a home maker and as a mother. Everything else will just follow.
Do you have quotes, advice or a motto that you follow that might inspire other Yempo employees?
I like Gordon B. Hinckley’s words, “The course of our lives is not determined by great, awesome decisions. Our direction is set by the little, day-to-day choices which chart the track on which we run.”